True Blood Recap: Loyalty Reigns

There were no farewells in Well Meet Again (the True Death of Authority Chancellor and kid vampire Alexander Drew notwithstanding), but the WWII-era song was an appropriate title for this weeks episode because it centered around several characters letting go of one kind of life and embracing a new version of it. Pam is now Taras maker, rather than Erics progeny, placing her in a position of power she never even fathomed in her first century as an immortal. Tara began to accept her thirst for blood, and her place in the Bon Temps vampire community, thus drawing her farther away from her human loved ones. And Sookie or Drunk Sookie, I should say, because it was as if we were introduced to an entirely different (and entirely awesome) character once she raided Grans liquor cabinet answered the wishes of millions of Team Alcide fans when she decided to give werewolf love a go.


The Authoritys conditional release of Bill and Eric so that they can hunt down Russell Edgington felt like an afterthought in this episode because it was the developing relationship between Pam and Tara that drove the vampire plot. To her initial disgust, Pam is physically incapable of ignoring her newborn. Her speed-bookkeeping interrupted, she zips over to the beauty salon and stops Tara from deep-frying herself in a tanning bed by pulling the old reliable As your maker I command you. . . . But Pams concern for her progeny is genuine, especially once she takes a gander at Taras charbroiled skin. I guess after her little facial-decomposition incident last season, Pams a tad more sympathetic to these kinds of cosmetic mishaps. This may be the only time Pam has ever exhibited any sort of love or sentiment for anyone, besides Eric, and its of a different, gentler nature. Like the love of a mother for her daughter.

Pam takes Tara back to Fangtasia, by which time Taras burns have completely healed. (Drat, her drippy skin had me hoping for a Dr. Ludwig appearance.) Bill and Eric are waiting. Bill tries to give Tara a vampire pep talk, but shes not having any of it. Vampire or human, shes just as bitter as she always was, only now she hates Sookie too. And who could blame her? There will always be some fool there to take a bullet for her, she snipes. At least by now, Tara has changed out of the blood-stained clothes shes been wearing since the end of last season. Unfortunately, its just into a red Fangtasia T-shirt. Heres hoping we dont have to wait much longer for Tara to enter her hot, sexy vampire phase Im dying to see what the costume designers are going to do with her.

Meanwhile, Erics reunion with Pam isnt going so well. Since only four people knew Russells whereabouts (Bill, Eric, Pam and Alcide), Eric suspects Pam was involved with the 3,000-year-old vampires escape placing her in a choke hold to prove his point. Although Pam is insulted that Eric would trust Bill and a werewolf over her, she insists she would die a thousand times before betraying her maker. Her pleas are enough to convince Eric that she is innocent, but a couple of days later, amid bloody tears, Eric releases Pam from his control in order to protect her from Russells warpath. Eric gives Pam an even greater task, however: Nurture his legacy. I need you to live when Im gone, he says. He reminds her that she is now a maker, and as such, Our blood will thrive. Thats a lot of pressure on Tara, but still, she may just be the badass they need.

Pams first order of business is to teach her progeny how to feed off of humans. She presents a very willing fang-banger named Melanie, but Tara, still grappling with her quickly dissipating humanity, resists until Pam commands that she take a bite. Once Taras fangs have sunken into Melanies succulent neck, Pam gently guides her through the process so she doesnt accidentally kill the girl and speaks the words Tara has been longing to hear her entire life: No human can hurt you any longer. Tara has been emotionally destroyed by her mother, a lunatic maenad, a psychopathic vampire and a tyrannical witch. Shes never really recovered from losing Eggs, and of all the True Blood characters, her deal always seemed the rawest. As Pam purrs, This is who you are now, the top of the chain, its like mothers milk to her. For once, Tara has a reason to live, to no longer be afraid.

But the question remains was Pam telling the truth to Eric about Russell? When she whispers to Tara, [Humans] are yours to savor, it sounds an awful lot like Sanguinista talk.

Humans, Weres and Fairies

Sookies confession to Alcide in Merlottes parking lot about Debbies death didnt do too much to ease her conscience. After Alcide drives off in anger (more because Sookie kept a secret from him, not over the fact that she shot his ex-fiance in cold blood. Seriously, this girl literally gets away with murder), a thoroughly spooked Lafayette lays into Sookie for her loose lips. He calls her the angel of death and spits venom at her for leaving a trail of bodies behind. This tirade was most likely spurred by Lafayettes minor brujo demon possession earlier that evening/last episode (bleach gumbo, anyone?), which, while scary, just goes to show that Jesus hasnt truly left Bon Temps.

BTW, is it me, or is this the first time since Season One that Sookie has actually worked at Merlottes for a full shift?

Lafayette and Tara do have a point when it comes to Sookies role in Bon Temps high body count. So you cant blame Sookie for snapping and going to Jasons house to turn herself in. Im sick of lyin and coverin and ruining peoples lives! she pleads to her brother. But Jason, who has become more clear-headed with each passing episode, goes all Don Draper on his sister: This conversation never happened, he tells Sookie after she spills her guts over Debbies death, Tara becoming a vampire and Lafayettes role as her accomplice.

Except the conversation did happen, and Jessica was there to hear the whole thing. As shes proven so far this season, she may not want to be tied down to one person, but that doesnt mean shes not fiercely loyal to her friends. The next evening, Andy takes a call from Debbies parents, ostensibly concluding the search for their daughter (Alcide told the Pelts that Marcus Bozeman killed her), but now that hes off the V and back to being a good detective, Andy tells Jason that he still smells a rat. Jess, sensing Jasons fear, bursts in and glamours the sheriff into completely forgetting about the name Debbie Pelt.

But Sookie is hardly out of danger. She narrowly misses getting herself killed after Lafayette-as-demon chants some brujo spell onto her car, causing the brakes to fail anyone else notice how she just walked away from being thrown out of a moving vehicle? Maybe its the fairy blood. So she takes solace in Grans liquor stash, and we are treated to the indelible image of a wasted Sookie Stackhouse singing Escape (the Pina Colada Song). Alcide stops by and admits that he lied to the Pelts to protect Sookie between that revelation and several Orange Marzipans, Sookies all in for a were hookup. As they begin making out, a shadowy, forlorn figure watches from outside the window. Its Bill, and hes crushed to see that his beloved has moved on. (Good, I dont want to see them back together yet, if at all.) But it sounds like he may be letting his jealousy steer his decisions. He tells Eric (who shows up as well, naturally) that hes going to use Sookie in their hunt for Russell: I dont think wed give her a choice. Not so sure using force will have her running back into your arms, Bill.

Finally, the fairies brief appearance last week was indeed foreboding. It looks like theyre back in full force to wreak havoc on Bon Temps and to steal back their long-lost kin. Jason and Andy are invited for a dudes night out by Judge Clements, only to be taken through a portal (in the field where Jessica chased the sweet-smelling male fairy last week) into what looks like Moulin Rouge 2012. Except the courtesans are fairies and Sookie and Jasons cousin Hadley (a.k.a. Queen Sophie-Annes former lover) is one of the employees. In her excitement over seeing Jason, Hadley lets it slip that the club is a fairy safe house, oh, and that Jason and Sookies parents werent killed by a flood they were killed by vampires. Before Jason can extract more information out of her, two male fairy bouncers eject him and Andy out of the club (and out of the portal), but not before unleashing a heavy dose of light power onto both of them.

Favorite couple: Pam and Tara. Pam is the furthest thing from warm and fuzzy, but she may just be the best mother Tara has ever known.

Winning Species: Werewolves. For the sole reason that they won over the heart of Sookie Stackhouse, at least for the time being.

Losing Species: Shape-shifters. Were down just two now the other half of Sam and Lunas shifter support group receiving inexplicable, identical gunshot wounds to the head this episode.

Previously: Second Chances and Ulterior Motives

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