Peter Travers on The Expendables 2: This Has Rampant Stupidity

No franchise has ever packed action stars into one film like The Expendables: Stallone, Statham, Willis, Schwarzenegger and almost everyone else conceivable. So with even more hotshot heroes, explosions, guns, and ass-kicking, does the sequel deliver on the thrills?

Well, as Peter Travers notes, Stallone isnt directing this one, so its not as completely visually incoherent as the first. But new director Simon West raises the silliness stakes. This has rampant stupidity and all kinds of insane lines, says Travers. Storyline, naturally, becomes an issue. Id tell you what the mission was, but its just too stupid. I cant even begin to tell you what it is, Travers notes.

Is The Expendables 2 the worst movie of the summer? Cast your vote for the seasons worst flick below in the comments, on Twitter with #ScumBucket, or via e-mail.

This Weeks Reviews
The Expendables 2
Robot & Frank

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