Justin Bieber Gets a Spanking on Between Two Ferns

Zach Galifianakis certainly had his work cut out for him on the latest installment of Funny or Dies Between Two Ferns: His guest was Justin Bieber, and Galifianakis quickly admitted that and hed never interviewed a seven-year-old before. In the amazing new clip, the two awkwardly navigate a conversation that touches on everything from Happy Meals and what Bieber thinks while hes on stage (I really wish I was watching Cops right now) to hanging out with Joy Behar and time travel (specifically, with regard to how it would have allowed Anne Frank to actually be a Belieber).

Where Does Justin Biebers Die in Your Arms Rank on Our 50 Best Songs of 2012 List?

While Galifianakis does his best to offer the star some wizened advice There hasnt been a time in the last six, seven years that I havent urinated in a bucket, but I dont film it and put it on Internets Biebers young punk attitude gets the best of the comedian, who goes into awful dad mode and whips the pop star with his belt. But if youre a true Beaner, sorry Belieber, dont worry, Galifianakis gets his slimy just desserts.

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