Super Troopers 2 Secures Distribution, Begins Fundraising

UPDATE: TheSuper Troopers sequel has already raised more than $1.5 millionin less than 24 hours of fundraising.

The long-awaited sequel to Super Troopers has scored distribution from 20th Century Fox, and Broken Lizard, the comedy troupe behind the 2001 cop comedy, has begun fundraising for the film on Indiegogo, Pastereports.

Fans can start donating right meow to the Indiegogo campaign, which has already raised over $200,000 in just a few hours. Broken Lizard Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter and Erik Stolhanske and their longtime producer, Richard Perello, are hoping to raise at least $2 million in the next 31 days, though as the group noted in a video, the more money we raise, the more great, fun shit youll get to see.

The clip finds Thorny, Rabbit, Mac and Foster pulling over Farva, who quickly finds out he hasnt been included inSuper Trooper 2plans,but weasels his way into the movie by convincing the mustachioed crew he had the best bits in the first film. The troopers acquiesce and show Farva his script, conveniently located in the trunk of his car, which they proceed to shove him in.

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The clip also outlines a number of the prizes available to donors, which range from a copy of the films final shooting script and a digital download of the movie to a behind-the-scenes set tour ($12,500) and the chance to go to a baseball game with the Broken Lizard gang ($15,000). While the $10,000 Be An Actor prize has been scooped up, Broken Lizard are also offering themselves up as groomsmen (or bridesmaids) to one $25,000 donor, while $35,000 will earn one person the patrol car used in the movie, complete with vanity plate suggestions.

If the Indiegogo campaign is a success, Broken Lizard plan to begin pre-production in May and start filming over the summer (and release Farva from the trunk). If all goes according to plan, Super Troopers2 could see release earlynext year.

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