Ben Stiller Daydreams in Walter Mitty Trailer

The morning routine of Ben Stillers character in the first trailer for the remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty features the usually funny man as the title character as he goes through the motions of his existence: open the closet to pick an unremarkable shirt, eat breakfast alone, tidy the bed, make the commute to the office in a city filled with empty people doing the same thing.

Stuck in an office that feels more like a prison, Stillers character passes the day at his desk by inhabiting the role of bold and decisive men in his fantasies: explorers, or the type of guy who knows his way around Home Depot. Ironically, he works at Life magazine, but has no real one of his own. Hes a caged animal ready to be released ready to do something other than remain unnoticed.

The trailer also features Stillers ineffectual Mitty lusting after Kristen Wiig, cutting to a shot of him in one of his fantasies as a hero, catching her attention as Of Monsters and Mens wistful Dirty Paws plays in the background.

Photos: Ben Stiller

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty opens in theaters on Christmas Day.

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