The Science of Sleep

Frances Michel Gondry best known for directing music videos for Bjork and Beck, commercials for Smirnoff and the Gap, and movies for audiences willing to take the meandering (Human Nature) along with the mesmerizing (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dave Chappelles Block Party) doesnt see the world the way the rest of us do. This is all to the good, especially in the wildly inventive Science of Sleep, which takes place mostly among the cascading dreams in Gondrys head. Using the ardent and appealing Mexican actor Gael Garca Bernal (Y Tu Mama Tambien, The Motorcycle Diaries) as his stand-in, Gondry visits the real world only as a takeoff point. Bernal plays Stephane, a shy artist who returns to Paris to live with his mother (Miou-Miou) after his fathers death. Mom gets him a dull job setting type, which only inspires him to greater flights of romantic fancy, involving a neighbor named Stephanie (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and a series of fantastical visions that jump off the screen as they obliterate all traces of the mundane. Fusing animation and live action with a series of outrageous props, Gondry veers dangerously close to being precious. But make no mistake: Gondrys hallucinatory brilliance holds you in thrall.

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