Peter Travers Predicts Oscars for The Fighter

This week Peter Travers brings back his infamous scumbucket category at the request of Kirsten Dunst, who told Travers when he ran into her earlier this week that she misses it and, to his own surprise, putting the new Johnny Depp/Angelina Jolie vehicle The Tourist into it.

In the film, Depps character travels to Venice to get over a broken heart and hooks up with Jolie, who leads him into intrigue and danger and all that. Everything about this movie sucks, Travers says. Its like they built a beautiful castle and didnt have anything to put in it, and the stars act in like theyre underwater.

Travers has a completely different take on The Fighter which looks at the early years of fighter Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), his trainer brother (Christian Bale) and their family. Travers predicts Oscars for Bale and Amy Adams and possibly others.

Peter Travers Best (and Worst) DVDs of 2010

This Weeks Reviews:
The Fighter
The Tourist
The Tempest
Black Swan

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