Perfect Stranger

I need to begin with a shout out to James Foley for having directed three terrific movies: 1987s At Close Range, 1990s After Dark, My Sweet and 1992s Glengarry Glen Ross, still the best screen version ever of a David Mamet play. Now for the bad news. Foley fights a losing battle with Perfect Stranger, a dull, dumb and unforgivably dated thriller, free of thrills and any kind of perfection, save a genius for product placement. Halle Berry and Bruce Willis, forced to compete with blatant plugs for Reebok, Heineken and Victorias Secret, understandably give up all attempts at acting. Foley merely poses them like spears of prize broccoli. Berry plays a reporter trying to pin a murder on a married ad exec. You guessed it, Willis play the rich horndog with a jealous wife and a jones for finding fresh meat on Internet chat rooms. Thats right, its a techno thriller that treats the already clich topic of Web abuse with an idiotic sense of discovery. I wont go on, but the movie does with droning predictability.

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