Septembers Worst Movies

With a rage-filled heart, fearless critic Peter Travers sets to work dismantling the worst movies of the month. We kick off with Battle of the Year, which drags Lost alum Josh Holloway into the miserable predicament of having to lead a dance team with no experience. Not much for Travers to say other than, Hated it.

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Next up is A Single Shot, which disproved Travers theory that Sam Rockwell couldnt make a bad movie. And Winnie Mandela, despite its all-star cast,proved to be, the worst TV, Lifetime piece of cocky-doody thats the professional word for it. Also nestling in the bucket isBaggage Claim and the atrocious J. D. Salinger documentary Salinger, whichskipped over the famed authors literary efforts in order to further invade his privacy.

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Travers also has some choice words for the horror flick Insidious 2 greed Hollywood crap. . . nobody thinking anything original, but this months top honoree is The Family, which once again finds Robert De Niro cast as a mobster whose family is placed into witness protection. Guess what? People do find them, Travers groans. And guess what? I dont care.

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