New Star Wars Films to Feature John Williams Scores

Academy Award winning composer John Williams has confirmed that he will return to score the next installment of the Star Wars saga, reports the BBC. J.J. Abrams, who is directing the first film in the next trilogy, had previously hinted that Williams would be involved.

Williams scored all six previous films in the Star Wars franchise, and hinted that the new film could feature music audiences are already familiar with.I havent seen the script, so the story is still unknown to me, but I cant image there will not be some references to the existing stories that would make appropriate use of some of the earlier themes.

Star WarsRecast With Rock Stars

Williams return was announced by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy at Celebrate Europe, a Star Wars fan event in Germany.

Every time I hear Johns music, it just gives me the chills. Its so important to the saga. Were all really excited that hes a part of this, she said.

Star Wars: Episode VII will be the first of a new trilogy in the films franchise. Abrams will direct the movie, which is set for release in 2015, with newinstallments, including stand-alone films, possibly arriving every summer after.

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