Midsommar Gets the Goofy Rom-Com Treatment in Latest Trailer

The early reviews for Ari Asters latest A24 horror flick,Midsommar, are in, and the general consensus appears to be, Its a great horror. Its a great summer rom-com. Its both! Its apparently both very scary and perhaps upping the campy melodrama of its predecessor Hereditary very funny.

The latest trailer for the film jumps off of that consensus, presenting Midsommar as a maniacal rom-com about what happens when you wander into a remote Swedish village just in time for a pagan ritual (and also, while your relationship is falling apart as a result of a sickening family tragedy). Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor as the central couple, as well as their co-stars, must endure spiked drinks, screaming matches, a terrifying-sounding game called Skin the Fool, eternal sunshine, spotty minds, ghosts, random bears in cages, blood pacts, cliff-jumping, human barbecues, banquet tables in the shape of Xs andbingo? The horror, the horror.

Midsommar is in theaters July 3rd.

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