Snooki & JWoww Recap: Youre (Probably) Gonna Make It After All

Snookis pregnancy offers an interesting challenge to the producers of Snooki & JWoww. Picking up after the last season of Jersey Shore, the series opens with the ladies excited to be moving into a swinging bachelorette pad. Whats intriguing, however, is that over here in the Real World, we already know what happens in Snookis life. We know shes pregnant, we know shes engaged, we know shes totally revamped her persona. Meanwhile, we get to watch Snookis best friend discover the whole thing in TV time. The Real World experienced Pregnant Snooki months before TV JWoww. Someone needs to write his or her thesis on this show and send it to me, please. Where were going, we wont need the Jersey Turnpike.

Of course, its not just that the audience (and JWoww!) has to meet and accept a totally new Snooki, one who we could conceivably imagine as a responsible parent (rather than a woman who once sprayed her urine-soaked underwear with perfume rather than leave a club). Its also the fact that the show now has to figure out how to fill all that time. Theres so much time! How can they pack the minutes full of entertainment when Snooki is precluded from activities such as drinking, being drunk, falling down as a result of being drunk and sleeping with roommates while intoxicated. After watching tonights series premiere, Im not entirely sure I know the answer to that. Luckily the banter between Snooki and JWoww is as gross and real and satisfying as any filth the ladies got into on Jersey Shore, but without shots or the t-shirt shop or The Situations gradual decent into insanity eating up up camera time. I guess JWoww and Snooki could take cooking classes for an episode or something? Assemble a crib? Oh man, yeah! That assembling the crib episode is going to be some straight-up I Love Love ish.

Im about to be 30 in a few years, and then thats it, JWoww says about her decision to live with Snooki for a year. Her reasoning is sound: once you turn 30, you die and consequently cant live with your best buddy anymore. Everyone knows that! Jennis man friend Roger gripes about the movie (Do what you gotta do? It could be a gang bang!), but is ultimately supportive. On a related note, did they recast Roger? Roger 2.0 is a pretty solid actor. Oh, JWoww and Snooki can take acting classes! Thats worth an ep for sure. JWoww and her man squabble some more, but in the end its clear they care about each other. If Roger does anything while Im gone, his dick is going to be above my fireplace, she gushes. She might also have said balls? Either way . . . swoon!

Meanwhile, Snooki has her own reasons for wanting to move out of her parents house, the least of which seems to be her belief that theyre total gibbering idiots. Dont cry, she warns, hugging her mother after breaking the news. Ew, you are! And when her dad sits her down to talk finances, Snooki sighs, Thank you, Captain Obvious. At the end of the day she admits, I dont want to be one of those kids thats 40 and still live with their parents. You know, one of those 40-year-old millionaires that still live in their childhood bedrooms? Actually, that s got to be a thing, right? Thatd be a pretty cool show . . .

With Snooki rolling in a hot pink/black snakeskin truck (I think that was snakeskin, right? My mental conception of cars isnt big enough to accommodate texture), the ladies embark on an apartment hunting tour of Jersey City. This sequence takes up the entire episode. There could have been murders here you dont know about. Homicides. Thats the same thing, Snooki chides a realtor. At once point, the girls open a front door and scream. We never get to see whats inside, so unless there was a rotting corpse in the foyer, Im calling shenanigans! And if there had been a corpse, couldnt we have seen it for a just a little bit? Corpses are part of reality, too!

Or maybe the realtor can be in every episode? Snooki and JWoww are at their kooky best when the Universe/producers foist them on people who arent fellow television personalities. She has her period, Snooki explains as JWoww dashes around an apartment looking for a bathroom with an adequate toilet paper supply; the realtor merely shrugs in response. When JWoww retrieves napkins from the paper bag containing their breakfast, Snooki chides, Can you not whip your vagina with my bagel? Ah, its moments like these where I think this show is going to do just fine.

Later in the episode, JWoww turns to the two attractive yet unassuming realtors and asks them point blank, Do you guys fuck? They look at her with deep discomfort, and while its impossible to know whats scripted and whats spontaneous in this crazy world of ours anymore, the moment feels delightfully unplanned. Im just trying to break the ice, JWoww sniffs in the resulting silence. She and Snooki go on to discuss the difficulty of working with good-looking coworkers:
J: Thats why Roger works with truck drivers.
S: Because he fucks them?
J: Because he . . . no, so he doesnt look at hot girls all day!

Finally, having decided to rent a sick, surreally gigantic firehouse-turned-duplex together, Snooki takes the last 30 seconds of the show to reveal her double bombs to JWoww. And by double bombs, I mean secrets. Im pregnant and Im engaged, Snooki announces. You would have told me! JWoww shouts, genuine distress flickering across her face. You would have told me without the cameras around, she means. If the ladies are keeping actually, genuine, life-changing secrets from each other until it can be recorded for TV . . . well, I can understand why youd want to watch the rest of the season. Why wed want to watch the rest of the season. Concludes Snooki, Instead of life throwing me a curveball, it through me a sperm ball. Obviously. Obviously.

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