Mad Men Set to Return April 7th

Mad Men will return to TV on April 7th with a two-hour season premiere, The New York Times reports. The 1960s period drama will travel through time, though series creator Matthew Weiner was dodgy about which specific year the new season will be set in.

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I cant say how much or how little, said Weiner. Were coming off a period in Dons life where hes trying to normalize, and trying to have this relationship a real relationship with this woman that he fell in love with. She expressed her desires and that was a surprise for him. On this show, its a very rich, full orchestra, and we like to follow what is the next stage in these peoples lives.

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Weiner likened the extended season premiere to starting a story with a movie. It has some cliffhanger elements to it, it does propel you into the rest of the season it does foreshadow a lot what the season is about, he said. But I was like, I want to write a movie here, that we can create the atmosphere and vibe of the season.

Season Six will be the penultimate season of Mad Men.

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