Joanna Newsom Will Appear in Next Paul Thomas Anderson Film

Joanna Newsom was recently spotted on the set of Paul Thomas Andersons next film, Inherent Vice. The harpist-singers role isnt known, but she was seen on set alongside the films stars Joaquin Phoenix and Katherine Waterston in Los Angeles, Indiewires Playlist reports.

Photos: The Best Musical Moments From Portlandia Joanna Newsom

Newsom has a few ties to acting already, having previously appeared on Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownsteins Portlandia and starred in MGMTs video for Kids. Shes also engaged to actor and former Saturday Night Live cast member Andy Samberg.

Inherent Vice, which tells the story of a bungling L.A. detective investigating his ex-girlfriends kidnapping, is also expected to star Benicio Del Toro, Owen Wilson, Reese Witherspoon, Josh Brolin, Martin Short and Jena Malone.

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