An Unfinished Life

Its not just that Jennifer Lopez looks lost and out of her league acting with Robert Redford and Morgan Freeman. Thats to be expected. Its the drag-ass solemnity of this turgid family drama that makes you crazy. Redford plays Einar Gilkyson, a Wyoming farmer whos been drinking hard since his son was killed in a car crash a dozen years back. He blames his daughter-in-law Jean (Lopez), who was driving. Einar has exiled Jean from his life. Now here she is on his farm with her daughter Griff (Becca Gardner), 11. Jean needs protection from her abusive boyfriend (Damian Lewis). Ranch hand Mitch (Freeman) encourages Einar to heal old wounds for the girls sake. Mitch is pretty bruised himself, from a bear attack the first of the films many outbreaks of symbolism. Do you think the bear is going to return? Do you think Einar will see his son again in Griffs eyes? Will every trite emotional trick work its way out of Mark Spraggs novel and into the film version, written by Spragg and his wife, Virginia? Will director Lasse Hallstrom (remember his enervating Shipping News? This is worse) show no shame in jerking tears and the audiences chain? Redford and Freeman have a relaxed rapport watch their expressions when Griff asks them if theyre gay but the script keeps giving them unspeakable lines to utter. You want to scream to make the torture stop.

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