The Last Kiss

Im a whiner, and I cant stop whining. Zach Braff never says those words in this angst-ridden movie about guys pushing thirty. But in the pivotal role of Michael, an architect afraid to settle down with his pregnant girlfriend, Jenna (Jacinda Barrett), you feel hes thinking them every second. Should he marry Jenna or run off with college hottie Kim (O.C. cutie Rachel Bilson, deserving of a better role). Braff worked playfully with similar material as the writer, director and of 2004s Garden State. But this script, anemically adapted by Crash Oscar-winner Paul Haggis from a hotblooded Italian film of the same name, is a slog. Director Tony Goldwyn tries for the lyrical melancholy he brought to A Walk on the Moon, but as Michael waits for days on Jennas porch getting drenched (as irritating a scene as any in recent cinema), only the most rabid chick-flick fan will fail to notice that its the movie thats all wet.

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