
If you like Amanda Seyfried, and I do despite the career doldrums induced by In Time, Red Riding Hood and Dear John, Gone is not the antidote to her recent bad choices. Its a substandard thriller that traps Seyfried in the role of Jill Parrish (Amanda Seyfried), a waitress the police believe cried wolfby claiming shed escaped a crazed kidnapper. Now, a year later, Jill hyped up on anxiety pills comes home to find her sister gone. Shes sure its the same rapey-eyed maniac and goes in pursuit. Thats the premise and Im sure a talent like David Fincher could make something of it. But Brazilian director Heitor Dhalia merely recycles bump-in-the-night thriller tropes. Theres no thrill in Gone because you can see every surprise coming. It lies there flapping like a dying fish. Skip it.

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