Quentin Tarantino Rips Reporter: Im Not Your Slave

Quentin Tarantino lashed out at an interviewer on EnglandsChannel 4yesterdaywhen the reporter, Krishnan Guru-Murthy, tried to ask the director why he was sure theres no link between violence in movies and in real life.Dont ask me a question like that Im not biting. I refuse your question, Tarantino said.

When Guru-Murthy asked why the Django Unchained director wouldnt answer, a visibly peeved Tarantino responded: Because I refuse your question. Im not your slave and youre not my master. You cant make me dance to your tune. Im not a monkey.

The Best Movies of 2012: Django Unchained

Like many of his movies, Djangowhich stars Jamie Foxx as a freed slave out to rescue his wife, while inflicting some vengeance along the way is filled with rampant violence, which has become a particularly charged subject in the wake of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. When askedwhy he thought audiences enjoy watching such bloodshed, the director simply said: Yeah, well its a movie, its a fantasy, its not real life.

I dont want to talk about the implications of violence, Tarantino added later, after again refusing Guru-Murthys question. The reason I dont want to talk about it is because Ive said everything I have to say about it. If anyone cares what I have to say about it they can Google me. And they can look for 20 years what I have to say about it. I havent changed my opinion one iota. In fact,Tarantino told NPRs Terry Gross more or less the same thing during an interview last week, adding that blaming movies for something like the Newton massacre is disrespectful.

Though Guru-Murthy explained to Tarantino it was his job to get the director to flesh out his opinions, he replied with a cackle: And I am shutting your butt down. Watch the entire interview below.

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