Adam McKay Says Anchorman 3 Will Not Happen

Hopefully he wont immediately regret this decision, but Adam McKay co-writer and director ofAnchormanand its super-sized sequel,Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues says he and co-writer/star Will Ferrell will not be expanding their beloved comedy franchise into a trilogy.

Ron Burgundy Uncensored: Will Ferrell on the Cover of Rolling Stone

Its done, says McKay in a new interview with Empire. I think thats it. It was great to do it, and it was so fun to work with those guys again, but I think thats it for Ron Burgundy.

Of course, thats notcompletelyit for Burgundy and his endlessly quotable news team: A new, filthier version ofAnchorman 2(featuring hundreds of alternate takes and brand-new jokes) that McKay calls the unfurled version of the movie is hitting theaters on Friday, February 28th, for a one-week run. But oustide of that bizarre release, McKay is completely burned out on the sequel format.

No, thats the last sequel were gonna do, adds McKay. Theres nothing more fun to me than new characters and a new world. And now were releasing this alt version, were totally satisfied. No Anchorman 3.

McKay is, however, excited about two new projects: a remake of the 1974 comedyUptown Saturday Night(starring Will Smith and co-written by collaborator Nick Stoller) and an adaptation of the Michael Lewis bookThe Big Short, which focuses on a surprisingly unfunny topic: the crushing financial crisis of 2008.

In the meantime, however, McKay is excited about the ridiculous newAnchorman 2 cut, which he warns is for diehards only. [The studio] called me up about a month ago and said, Were going to put this out in theatres, he says. My first response was, Are you sure? My second response was, Fucking A! Lets put it out!'

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