Deco the Halls: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at The Grand Budapest Hotel

Filmmaker Wes Anderson has never been shy about using a very, very specific visual style in his movies so much so that his work has practically become a genre unto itself and ripe for affectionate parody. His latest, The Grand Budapest Hotel, takes that Wes World sensibility to beautiful extremes, crafting an imaginary 20th-century Europe in eye-popping pastels and meticulous art-deco sets. And in this exclusive featurette, youll get to see exactly how Anderson and his team created the hit films distinctive design down to the last detail.

Wes World: The Cut-to-Fit Universe of Wes Anderson

Titled Creating a World, this brief making-of clip delves into the stem-to-stern construction of Hotels old-world continental glamor.I want the world to be an invention that fits together just so, I guess, Anderson says, and everyone from production designer Adam Stockhausen to cast members Tilda Swinton and Ralph Fiennes attest to the attention the director brings to even the tiniest aspects of this Gogolesque tragi-farce. [There are] things we only catch a glimpse of, says producer Jeremy Dawson, but everything is impeccable. Check it out.

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