Bill Murray Surprises Bachelor Party with Impromptu Speech

Its a list that grows longer by the day, but Bill Murray has given us one more reason to love him unconditionally. Over the weekend, the actor delivered a funny, heartfelt, impromptu speech to friends of a groom gathered at a Charleston, South Carolina steakhouse for the groom-to-bes bachelor party.

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You know how they say funerals are not for the dead but for the living? Murray begins. Bachelor parties are not for the groom, theyre for the uncommitted.

Jokes aside, Murray went on to offer some warm advice to the aforementioned uncommitted, telling them if they think theyve found that special someone, dont just pick a date, do something completely out of the ordinary like buy a plane ticket for two and travel around the world. And if when you come back to JFK, when you land in JFK, and youre still in love with that person, get married at the airport, said Murray.

Check out the whole clip which ends with the groom in the enviable position of being hoisted onto Bill Murrays shoulders over at Deadspin, where you can also find out how this ridiculous situation came about.

Amidst crashing bachelor parties and singing karaoke, Murrays been busy as always: This year, he co-starred in George Clooneys The Monuments Men, and had a bit role in Wes Andersons latest, The Grand Budapest Hotel. Hes also set to appear in the upcoming HBO mini-series, Olive Kitteridge, based on Elizabeth Strouts Pulitzer Prizewinning novel of the same name.

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