American Idol Recap: Not-So-Gentle Giant?

If youre a fan of both American Idol and gossip magazines, you may have already heard some rumors about tonights episode. But just because the truth is already out there doesnt mean that the producers are going to tell you anytime soon. Nope, they are going to draw out the big reveal as long as possible. Thats why its not a huge surprise when Ryan Seacrest starts the show by announcing that the producers discovered some information that left them with no choice but to eliminate one of the finalists. And then they cut to the opening credits. Like I said, teasing viewers with the drama isnt a surprise, but it sure is annoying.

After the credits and the arrival of the judges, Ryan promises hell talk more about the eliminated contestant later in the show, but I cant wait that long: Its Jermaine Jones. They found out about some outstanding arrest warrants, which is . . . weird. By all accounts, Idol contestants have to undergo excruciatingly detailed background checks before being allowed on the air. They are role models, after all, and someone has to think of the children. So how exactly did the vetting team miss the four outstanding warrants for Jones arrest? That, in addition to the way Jones arrived on the show as a surprise 13th contestant (something Idol had never done before), and it all gets a bit suspicious. But yes, the gentle giant is out because of a potential conviction for a violent crime, or maybe lying about not having a relationship with his father. There are a lot of possible reasons why Jermaine was booted, but the truth is probably something as simple and callous as the most obvious: ratings. A manufactured scandal does generate ratings, at least in the short term, until viewers catch wise.

Amidst all the drama, the remaining contestants will be singing songs from the year they were born. For Phillip Phillips, thats 1990. Feel old yet? He sings Hard to Handle by the Black Crowes, sans his trusty guitar. The result is a bit bland and straightforward, without any of the twists and twitchiness we love in Phillip. This is probably due to the fact that he had kidney stone surgery between rehearsals. You cant say hes not committed.

Powerhouse singer Jessica Sanchez opts to sing an un-powerhouse song, specifically, Turn the Beat Around. Randy Jackson and I agree that while she is one of the top competitors, it was a bad song choice. Then Steven Tyler and I agree that she should stick to ballads and that her glittery pants are hot. It makes me uncomfortable when I agree with the judges too much.

There is no reason in the world that Heejun Han should have chosen Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx. And yet he does. He stands on stage looking like a banker who insists on singing easy listening karaoke while you sign your deposit slips. The judges do not enjoy the performance, pointing out that he was pitchy, out of breath and struggling. Jennifer Lopez cant help but add that she felt his heart, which is kind of creepy. Luckily Heejun made special guest laugh in the rehearsal clips, so he is probably safe. loves the rasp in Elise Testones voice as she rehearses Lets Stay Together. After all the lackluster performances weve seen so far, Elises song is a relief. The judges love it, and it validates their decision to save her over Jeremy Rosado last week.

In rehearsals,Deandre Brackensick is prepared to sing an Elton John song, but and Jimmy Iovine nix it. Instead, they inexplicably insist he sing Endless Love by Mariah Carey, because they hate him or have money on someone else. The result is boring and the judges blame the entire performance on the song choice, and thus on Jimmy and Jimmy may have to take a hit out on them.

In a nice surprise, it turns out that 16-year-old Shannon Magrane is the only contestant to have the balls to say no to Jimmy. He wants her to sing No Doubts Dont Speak, but she picks One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey, and she wont budge. Despite ticking off Jimmy and, the judges like it. J.Lo says, I was terrified for you, but you did a beautiful job. It isnt a great performance, but its better than last weeks, and maybe thats all we can hope for from Shannon.

Before he even sings, lets get a round of applause for Colton Dixon, who is on a one-man mission to bring back Eighties hair-metal band White Lion. He chooses to sing their Broken Heart, despite the fact that no one, not even or the American Idol house band, know the song. The performance is just what weve come to expect from Colton. The judges know that with his looks and sultry stare he is pretty much critic-proof, so they dont even bother critiquing him. Randy compliments his vest, and J.Lo adds, You look pretty when you sing. Which is what will keep him around. As for White Lion, they were probably thrilled to get the royalties. Hairspray isnt cheap, after all.

Jimmy is leading all the finalists astray tonight. Erika Van Pelt wants to sing Heaven by Bryan Adams, but Jimmy has a cool idea of adding a break in the middle of the song, and since no one (except Shannon) says no to Jimmy, she goes along with it. J.Lo says the arrangement left them wanting more, and Randy only kind of liked it.

At least Skylar Laine made a good song choice, opting for Love Sneaking Up on You by Bonnie Raitt. She sings it well, but its predictable. It would have been much more interesting if she took Will.i.ams suggestion that should do a country version of Coolios Fantastic Voyage and call it Guntry, as in Ghetto Country.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new frontrunner: Its the bucket of crawfish that Joshua Ledet brings on stage to share with Ryan Seacrest! The judges finally get up off their duffs to applaud a performance when Ledet stops eating and starts singing Michael Boltons version of When a Man Loves a Woman. Randy thinks it was phenomenal and incredible on every level, while Steven, the mystic, thinks God came through his eyes. J.Lo adds, That was the best thing I have ever seen on American Idol! Which sounds like high praise, but she says that every week.

Hollie Cavanagh wraps it up with a Celine Dion performance worthy of making a career out of Celine Dion impersonations. They probably have a need for that in Reno, or Germany. She sings The Power of Love and the judges are touched, throwing out words like beautiful and heaven and saving the best for last.

So there you have it. Jermaine is out, no one should listen to Jimmy, and White Lion is back on Americas radar. Come back tomorrow to see if Idol is kicking someone off or if Jermaines foibles cost the competition enough for one week.

Last episode: Big Time

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