J.J. Abrams Hears Star Wars Ideas from William Shatner, Billy Dee Williams

Although J.J. Abrams stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Livelast night to promote his latest effort,Star Trek: Into Darkness,he unsurprisingly ended up talking about his other big sci-fi project: The upcoming Star Wars reboot. Admitting he and the writers had hit something of a wall with the script, Kimmel encouraged Abrams to take some suggestions from a few Star Wars superfans in the audience.

New Star Wars Films Could Arrive Every Summer

While two costumed nerds voiced their support of a Princess Leia and Chewbacca hook-up, Billy Dee Williams showed up to advocate a smooth two-hour movie with only Lando Calrissian making sweet, galactic love to a bunch of ladies. William Shatner also stopped by to add his own ideas to the pot: Forget Han Solo and Lando when you could have Captain Kirk taking the road trip of a lifetime (plus, hes already written the script)! And Shatner wants to see Leia and Chewie do it too hes even made sketches.

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