Zero Dark Thirty, Les Miserables and Django Unchained Are Must-See Holiday Movies

Its the most wonderful time of the year, and Peter Travers has no coal just three holiday season must-sees on this weeks At The Movies. First up is Kathryn Bigelows spectacular Zero Dark Thirty, which stars Jessica Chastain as a CIA desk warrior leading the manhunt for Osama Bin Laden. Next is Tom Hoppers film adaptation of the musical Les Miserables starring Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and Russel Crowe which nixes clunky vocal overdubbing for live singing. Travers promises, even if you hate musicals, this is the musical for you (and also predicts Oscar glory for Hathaway). And last, but certainly not least, is the most insane good movie of the holiday season: Quentin Tarantinos Civil War-era western, Django Unchained, which finds a freed slave seeking vengeance on every slave holder in the South. In Lincoln, [President] Lincoln pushes the thirteenth amendment through congress in order to abolish slavery, Travers explains. Quentin does it by turning Jamie Foxx into John Shaft and taking everybody down! This is Tarantino history.

Do you agree with Santa Peters holiday season picks? Did he leave anything out?Let him know below in the comments,on Twitterorvia e-mail.

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